lørdag den 14. december 2013

It can be done in many CV ways

Figuration and Abstraction
This graphic CV has a very high figuration. The only things with illustration are the text boxes. But that is not even close to a real illustration. Therefore this graphic has no figuration and neither any abstraction.
Functionality and Decoration
There is a high functionality because you cannot move anything without disturbing the meaning. Therefore the decoration is very low.
Density and Lightness
It’s simple information put together, and the density is very low, close to zero. The lightness is the opposite. Is simple message and easy to read. 
Multidimensionality and Unidimensionality
There is absolute no multidimensionality in this graphic design. The CV have opposite a high unidimensionality because of the simple construction. 
Originality and Familiarity
Because of the extremely minimalistic design in the CV there are no originality in it. But we see quickly the familiarity in the typography. Therefore is the familiarity high. 
Novelty and Redundancy
The novelty is low because of the missing freshness in the design. It has a low redundancy.

This graphic CV can be use in many different situations. But are very boring. The creator should but it of through to a professional, whom doesn’t expect much from the design qualification. Many different receivers can understand the design. Thus is the CV easy for the designer to put into a media. I would suggest using only mail or post because of the missing design. And it also allows the creator to print it and throw it out.

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