onsdag den 18. december 2013

This must be the fresh impression

Figuration and Abstraction
Simple abstraction to show the skills, which give us a overview from education to language and computer skills. Mostly of the abstraction have some figuration to help understanding the illustrations.

Functionality and Decoration
The graphic has a high functionality if you wish to see the skills of the new employee. But each illustration can be moved and still be seen as at a separate graphic. This means that the graphic need all its elements and therefore are the decoration very low. 

Density and Lightness
The density is low because of the easy information, which are put together. This provides a high lightness in the graphic, and the reader can easily understand the message through the design. 

Multidimensionality and Unidimensionality
Several of the graphic elements compare things to each other, but this is to show the individual skills of the employee, and therefore this graphic has a low multidimensionality. These also provide the graphic with a low unidimensionality because of the many illustrations through the skill settings.

Originality and Familiarity
This graphic design illustrates the information with a low originality, because of high familiarity we have with the design. Therefore it also gives an identifiable simplification to the receiver. 

Novelty and Redundancy
The novelty of the graphic design is low but very simple for the readers to understand, with help from the simple colours and easy read illustrations. The redundancy of the information is low, because of the indispensable information. All things in this graphic is important to shape a picture of the maker.


This graphic CV can be use in many different situations. The creator has make it simple and easy, but the professional design and content can be understood by many different receivers. Thus is the CV easy for the designer to put into a media. It can be use on the Internet; facebook, blogs, cv-website, email and it also allow the creator to print it and send it out through post.

High quality of communication with simple lines

Figuration and Abstraction
This info graphic has a very low figuration because of the high illustrated information, which gives the CV a high point on the abstraction.

Functionality and Decoration
The decoration of extra things you can move, are extremely low, actually all the information’s are very important to get the point and therefore this CV has a high functionality.

Density and Lightness
The many information are put together with a highly lightness, which brings down the density in this design. However can the information from the graphic designer be a bit to complex and gives a difficult understanding.

Multidimensionality and Unidimensionality
Several of the graphic elements compare things to each other, but this is to show the individual skills of the employee, and therefore this graphic has a low multidimensionality. These also provide the graphic with a low unidimensionality because of the many illustrations through the skill settings.

Originality and Familiarity
The familiarity is high. We see the information and recognise the design. Therefore are the originality low.

Novelty and Redundancy
There is almost no redundancy in this infographic. But the novelty is a bit higher in the maturing. Therefore is the novelty a bit higher and the redundancy a bit lower in the design.


This graphic CV can be use in different situations. The creator has made it simple and easy. Many different receivers can understand the professional design and content. Thus is the CV easy for the designer to put into a media. It can be use on the Internet; facebook, blogs, cv-website, email and it also allow the creator to print it and send it out through post. The designer have made a fine piece of work, and I’m sure that she will fine a good job in the business of Graphic Design.

tirsdag den 17. december 2013

Professional and serious designer do it well

Figuration and Abstraction
Simple abstraction to show the skills, which give us a overview from education to language and computer skills. Mostly of the abstraction have some figuration to help understanding the illustrations.

Functionality and Decoration
The graphic has a high functionality if you wish to see the skills of the new employee. But each illustration can be moved and still be seen as at a separate graphic. This means that the graphic need all its elements and therefore are the decoration very low. 

Density and Lightness
The density is low because of the easy information, which are put together. This provides a high lightness in the graphic, and the reader can easily understand the message through the design. 

Multidimensionality and Unidimensionality
Several of the graphic elements compare things to each other, but this is to show the individual skills of the employee, and therefore this graphic has a low multidimensionality. These also provide the graphic with a low unidimensionality because of the many illustrations through the skill settings.

Originality and Familiarity
This graphic design illustrates the information with a low originality, because of high familiarity we have with the design. Therefore it also gives an identifiable simplification to the receiver. 

Novelty and Redundancy
The novelty of the graphic design is low but very simple for the readers to understand, with help from the simple colours and easy read illustrations. The redundancy of the information is low, because of the indispensable information. All things in this graphic is important to shape a picture of the maker.


This graphic CV can be use in many different situations. The creator has make it simple and easy, but the professional design and content can be understood by many different receivers. Thus is the CV easy for the designer to put into a media. It can be use on the Internet; facebook, blogs, cv-website, email and it also allow the creator to print it and send it out through post.

lørdag den 14. december 2013

It can be done in many CV ways

Figuration and Abstraction
This graphic CV has a very high figuration. The only things with illustration are the text boxes. But that is not even close to a real illustration. Therefore this graphic has no figuration and neither any abstraction.
Functionality and Decoration
There is a high functionality because you cannot move anything without disturbing the meaning. Therefore the decoration is very low.
Density and Lightness
It’s simple information put together, and the density is very low, close to zero. The lightness is the opposite. Is simple message and easy to read. 
Multidimensionality and Unidimensionality
There is absolute no multidimensionality in this graphic design. The CV have opposite a high unidimensionality because of the simple construction. 
Originality and Familiarity
Because of the extremely minimalistic design in the CV there are no originality in it. But we see quickly the familiarity in the typography. Therefore is the familiarity high. 
Novelty and Redundancy
The novelty is low because of the missing freshness in the design. It has a low redundancy.

This graphic CV can be use in many different situations. But are very boring. The creator should but it of through to a professional, whom doesn’t expect much from the design qualification. Many different receivers can understand the design. Thus is the CV easy for the designer to put into a media. I would suggest using only mail or post because of the missing design. And it also allows the creator to print it and throw it out.

fredag den 13. december 2013

The quality of CV simplification

Figuration and Abstraction
This graphic CV has a low figuration. The illustration couldn’t be with small amount of text. The abstraction is very high. Simple and easy pictures are being illustrated. 

Functionality and Decoration
The functionality could be higher; you cannot move anything without loosing the content. Therefore there is no decoration of extra things.

Density and Lightness
The density is low, with no complex information put together. It has a high lightness with simple messages.

Multidimensionality and Unidimensionality
It compare two sides and are therefore with a middle high multidimensionality. And the unidimensionality is a bit over the  low because of the simple message you see.

Originality and Familiarity
It has a very high originality because of the simplification of information which make it easy to understand. Therefore it has no familiarity; only the circle gives us a little familiarity.

Novelty and Redundancy
This graphic CV has a high novelty and are very delicate to look at. It has close to none redundancy. 


This graphic CV can be use in many different situations. The creator has make it simple and easy, but the professional design and content can be understood by many different receivers. Thus is the CV easy for the designer to put into a media. It can be use on the Internet; facebook, blogs, cv-website, email and it also allow the creator to print it and send it out through post.

torsdag den 12. december 2013

Complicatet CV with a simple design - beautiful

Figuration and Abstraction
The figuration is in the middle of the range because of the balance between the text and illustrations. The picture makes the abstractions high. 

Functionality and Decoration
If you move anything from the graphic CV you will loose the point. Therefore is the functionality high and the decoration low, because of no extra information.

Density and Lightness
The information is complex and makes is hard to understand, this give the density a highness close to the top. And the message are difficult to understand, thus is the lightness low. 

Multidimensionality and Unidimensionality
Several of the graphic elements compare things to each other, but this is to show the individual skills of the employee, and therefore this graphic has a low multidimensionality. These also provide the graphic with a low unidimensionality because of t
he many illustrations through the skill settings.

Originality and Familiarity
There is a high originality in this graphic CV. The unidimensionality are low because of the much complex information it shows.

Novelty and Redundancy
This information is illustrated in a new novelty way, which put the novelty a bit over the middle. It have a lot of redundancy we could be without, so I put the redundancy level close to the top point.


The graphic CV can be use in many different situations. The producer of the CV has made it simple and easy. But the professional design and content can’t be send too many receivers. Thus is the CV easy for the designer to put into a media. It can be use on the Internet; facebook, blogs, cv-website, email and it also allow the creator to print it and send it out through post.

onsdag den 11. december 2013

A bit complex design in black and white

Analysis through the Tension Wheel

Figuration and Abstraction
High figuration is the key word in this graphic design. The abstraction of picture is low, but still there is a lot of different illustrations (pictures).

Functionality and Decoration
There is a low functionality because the many illustration, which give the readers lots of confusions. Thus can mostly illustrations move and the context will still be understood. The decoration is therefore very high. 

Density and Lightness
The graphic CV have a high density through the massive text information’s. This makes the lightness of the CV very low.

Multidimensionality and Unidimensionality
Several of the graphic elements compare things to each other, but this is to show the individual skills of the employee, and therefore this graphic has a low multidimensionality. These also provide the graphic with a low unidimensionality because of the many illustrations through the skill settings.

Originality and Familiarity
The originality is high, mainly because of the blacks shapes, which gives the graphic CV something not seen before. But the black boxes with narrows makes the familiarity high – nothing, we haven’t seen before.

Novelty and Redundancy
There is no novelty in this graphic. The redundancy is high and contain lots of unnecessary information but together.  


This graphic CV cannot be use in many different situations. The creator has made it difficult to understand, but professional maybe see the meaning. Thus are the CV made for small crowd. It can only be used through email and it also allows the creator to print it and send it out through post.

Colourful, simpel and good to many medias


Figuration and Abstraction
Simple abstraction to show the skills, which give us a overview from education to language and computer skills. Mostly of the abstraction have some figuration to help understanding the illustrations.

Functionality and Decoration
The graphic has a high functionality if you wish to see the skills of the new employee. But each illustration can be moved and still be seen as at a separate graphic. This means that the graphic need all its elements and therefore are the decoration very low. 

Density and Lightness
The density is low because of the easy information, which are put together. This provides a high lightness in the graphic, and the reader can easily understand the message through the design. 

Multidimensionality and Unidimensionality
Several of the graphic elements compare things to each other, but this is to show the individual skills of the employee, and therefore this graphic has a low multidimensionality. These also provide the graphic with a low unidimensionality because of the many illustrations through the skill settings.

Originality and Familiarity
This graphic design illustrates the information with a low originality, because of high familiarity we have with the design. Therefore it also gives an identifiable simplification to the receiver. 

Novelty and Redundancy
The novelty of the graphic design is low but very simple for the readers to understand, with help from the simple colours and easy read illustrations. The redundancy of the information is low, because of the indispensable information. All things in this graphic is important to shape a picture of the maker.

This graphic CV can be use in many different situations. The creator has make it simple and easy, but the professional design and content can be understood by many different receivers. Thus is the CV easy for the designer to put into a media. It can be use on the Internet; facebook, blogs, cv-website, email and it also allow the creator to print it and send it out through post.